Movie consumption among Hungarian university students

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Ádám Horváth
Balázs Gyenge

Keywords : consumer behaviour, culture consumption, decision making, movie download
In recent years, movie theatres have again found their footing, managing to grow audiences with exciting releases and new technologies. However, uncertainty remains as to how consumers obtain information and make decisions (be it the choice of a particular title or by what means it’s watched). While thwarting piracy still proves a great challenge, the issue could be approached from a different point of view: as a service problem to be solved by offering better alternatives. Following a brief look at some of the relevant literature, this paper analyzes a pilot study conducted with university students, who were asked about their movie consumption habits, focusing on the various influences and sources of information that have an effect on their decisions.

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How to Cite
Horváth, Á., & Gyenge, B. (2017). Movie consumption among Hungarian university students. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 3(1), 13–22.

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