The interrelationships between a company’s marketing and finances

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Wojciech Grzegorczyk

Keywords : marketing, controlling, marketing investments
Marketing is responsible for the relationships between a company and its environment and corporate finance deals with the accumulation of financial resources and their allocation for the company’s purposes. The mutual interrelations between marketing and finance in an enterprise are present at the stage of marketing strategy development, in the course of its implementation and during the evaluation of its effects. All of the company’s marketing decisions have a financial aspect since they involve certain costs and bring in profits in the form of the company’s revenue. To gain a permanent competitive advantage, enterprises must foster cooperation between controlling/management accounting and marketing specialists. This cooperation should involve providing the marketing department with information acquired by analysing the financial reports (balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, cash flow statements) of the company itself and its competitors.

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How to Cite
Grzegorczyk, W. (2015). The interrelationships between a company’s marketing and finances. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 1(1), 23–31.

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