Exchange rate problems as an indicator of problems in governing the national economy

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Bohdan Ilychok
Vitali Gumenyuk
Zhanna Poplavska
Halyna Pushak

Keywords : monetary policy, GDP, inflation, employment, balance of payments, competitiveness, national budget, the shadow economy
The article focuses on improvements and related issues in the implementation of Ukrainian monetary policy. Over the past 20 years the Ukrainian government has conducted monetary policy that flouts generally accepted international goals. The article also presents an overview of the main economic factors that exert an influence on the exchange rate – inflation and the state of the account surplus of goods payment balance, which is determined by the competitiveness of the economy. The index of global competitiveness is used as an indicator of the national economy’s competitiveness, while the country’s current position and dynamics under the global competitiveness index (GCI) are examined. The article details the main factors that have led the country’s position to fall, including the fact that the problems are systemic and result from corruption. The impact of the negative factors can be minimized in Ukraine, and monetary policy improved.

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How to Cite
Ilychok, B., Gumenyuk, V., Poplavska, Z., & Pushak, H. (2017). Exchange rate problems as an indicator of problems in governing the national economy. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 3(2), 17–29.

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