Export opportunity and constraints for fruit and vegetable producers in Albania

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Etleva Muca
Ana Kapaj
Ledia Thoma

Keywords : exportation, fruit and vegetable producer, distribution channel
Albania has considerable potential for growth in the fruit and vegetable market. Its climate-arable conditions are very adequate for the successful growth of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. Albania has an interior market in development and a non structured exporting market. The study is aimed at estimating and identifying export growth opportunities and constraints for fruit and vegetable exporters. The paper investigates the opinions of producers and exporters in south-west Albania. A face-to-face interview survey method was conducted. Database elaboration was made through the SPSS program. An ordinary probit regression was used to evaluate the constraints of fruit and vegetable producers in Albania. We conclude that there are several problems that hamper exportation growth in Albania. Albanian producers are usually not able to penetrate into foreign markets because they are not part of consolidated marketing distribution channels.

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How to Cite
Muca, E., Kapaj, A., & Thoma, L. (2018). Export opportunity and constraints for fruit and vegetable producers in Albania. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 4(1), 65–71. https://doi.org/10.22630/AMME.2018.4.1.5

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