Determinants of the development of the Mazowieckie Province in 2007-2016

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Łukasz Grzęda

Keywords : region, regional economy, determinants of regional development
The article presents the results of the analysis of factors influencing the development of the Mazowieckie Province (Masovia) in the years 2007–2016. Data for the study were collected from the Central Statistical Office and Statistical Yearbooks of the Mazowieckie Province. The results indicate that the level of development of Masovia is considerably higher than of other provinces in the country. At the end of the analyzed period, in Masovia the GDP per capita was almost twice as high as the national average. Masovia held the highest share in Poland’s GDP (22%). Important factors positively affecting the development of Masovia are: positive population growth and improving demographic situation, and broad access to telecommunications. Additional factors of the dynamic Masovia’s development are: extensive transportation infrastructure (104.3 km per 100 km2) and high number of students (236.5 thousand) and college graduates (60.8 thousand) who constitute the future substantive resources of the province’s economy.

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How to Cite
Grzęda, Ł. (2018). Determinants of the development of the Mazowieckie Province in 2007-2016. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 4(2), 65–74.

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