Customer transport preferences in services offered by the regional Olsztyn-Mazury airport in Szymany

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Teresa Łaguna
Mateusz Drzazga
Anna Karpa
Michał Pawelec
Mariusz Piórkowski

Keywords : air transport, regional airport, air transport offer, additional services, studying preferences
The aim of the study was to research, analyse and evaluate preferences concerning the services offered by the Regional Olsztyn-Mazury Airport in Szymany. A questionnaire was used as the research tool. The researched groups were students and employees of the Faculty of Economics of Warminsko-Mazurski University in Olsztyn. Number of 1,136 people, accounting for 38.77% of the student body and employees, responded. Thus they were statistically representative. The theoretical part of the paper discusses air transport in Poland. Definitions and features of the air transport market are presented, as are the relationship between supply and demand for passenger transport services. Information about Polish airports is presented along with development trends of the airports and the role of the regional airports. The empirical section presents the characteristics of Regional Olsztyn-Mazury Airport in Szymany. Questionnaire respondents were described by gender, age, occupation and income. The preferences of the interviewees concerning transport services offered by the airport are presented. The research shows that a significant numer of respondents would be unwilling to use the services, though there are factors that could encourage them (lower prices and more services). The article also examines demand for a list of frequently visited destinations, the reasons for travelling, and the need to adjust transport services to demand.

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How to Cite
Łaguna, T., Drzazga, M., Karpa, A., Pawelec, M., & Piórkowski, M. (2016). Customer transport preferences in services offered by the regional Olsztyn-Mazury airport in Szymany. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2(1), 53–65.

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