Age management as an opportunity to manage employees effectively in the light of demographic changes

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Wojciech Wychowaniec

Keywords : age management, older workers, labour market
The goal of this article is to analyse the main threats and benefits that accompany the implementation of age management policy, a method that enables workers aged 45+ to be highly effective. The article presents a demographic prognosis on the changing structure of human capital in the labour market, which determines the growing importance of age management in enterprises. The text contains an analysis of the key threats arising from a lack of employer action on age management, and the benefits that may be gained from age management policy. The article also examined the inevitability of changes, which will appear in the age structure of Polish people in the labour market and in companies. These particular changes will determinate plenty of consequences, mostly for employers, because the new personnel will require a slightly different management approach. My intention is to adapt the work to the requirements of the scientific community, as well as to the needs of labour market experts and business practitioners. This is why the paradigm of radical humanism was chosen for the article.

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How to Cite
Wychowaniec, W. (2016). Age management as an opportunity to manage employees effectively in the light of demographic changes. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2(1), 145–153.

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