Consumer satisfaction in the place marketing

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Ágnes Treutz

Keywords : consumer satisfaction, place marketing, models
The consumer satisfaction is under perspicacious examination, where the basic models will be presented in connection with consumer satisfaction. The study will also touch on the satisfaction models in the place marketing. One important target group of the place marketing is the local residents, and it is becoming more and more important to maintain them, and gain new potential residents. In case satisfaction emerges in the residents, we can maintain them locally, creating a loyal consumer group. Reputation or having personal experiences towards local events or tuition institutions could be extremely important for potential local residents, which may further build the positive image towards the settlement. These expectations and obtained values will also be compared by the consumer, ultimately making him/her satisfied or dissatisfied. The measurement criteria of these models will be assessed, which will be used to summarize all examined models in a table accordingly.

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How to Cite
Treutz, Ágnes. (2019). Consumer satisfaction in the place marketing. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 5(1-2), 79–90.

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