Creating consumer values in the process of developing product innovation

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Anna Szwajlik

Słowa kluczowe : customer values, innovation development process, system products
The article examines the building of consumer values in the process of developing product innovations at various stages. Values are created in cooperation with the consumer in the process described. Customers may be included in two ways: first, it can be an interpretation of thoughts and a way of action being an expression of hidden needs that is the voice of the consumer, or, second, it can be through the concept of the lead user – which consists in consumers sharing their own suggestions and ideas during the development process. In both cases, including consumers in the innovation development process at its every stage increases the degree of acceptance of the finished product and the chance to satisfy the buyer, which in turn creates value for both the customer and the company.

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Jak cytować
Szwajlik, A. (2016). Creating consumer values in the process of developing product innovation. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2(2), 121–132.

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