Formalization of brand marketing management in the food industry

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Rasa Rukuižienė

Słowa kluczowe : brand management, marketing, formalization
The article helps to identify interrelated factors of the formalization of brand marketing management using applied strategic marketing tools. The brand marketing management framework is constructed on the market research results – new marketing mix. Consequently, valuable brands and new food products are more successful in market at the lowest costs under more intensive promotional activity. Customers always fix their choice at an advantage in consumption of new brands with (in)tangible attributes – quality, use convenience, time savings, image or variety by personal experience. Producers try to gain from new brand marketing management and try to form new consumption trends together with intermediaries. The theoretical and empirical researches were provided on the basis of scientific literature, case studies, primary data collection, surveys, primary data analysis and synthesis. A questionnaire was used to identify brand marketing management tools and the results of using them. The answers to research problems are formulated on the base of situation in the B2B and B2C markets of food brands. The research was framed to demonstrate that the formalization of brand marketing management can be implemented successfully by forming target marketing strategy and marketing communication.

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Jak cytować
Rukuižienė, R. (2017). Formalization of brand marketing management in the food industry. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 3(2), 89–99.

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