Logistics outsourcing in fresh vegetable and fruit sector

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Saliha Çelik
Harun Uçak

Słowa kluczowe : outsourcing, logistics outsourcing, third party logistics, analytical hierarchy process
In this study, logistics outsourcing practices in fresh vegetables and fruits sector are discussed with the customer firm perspective. The benefits of the companies from the logistics outsourcing process, the problems they face in the process management and the expectations and evaluations for the process are tried to be put forward with an exploratory approach. The required data were collected through surveys carried out with companies operating in the fresh vegetable and fruits sector. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has also been used to determine the criteria that are effective in selecting the service provider company, which is considered to be directly effective on the success of the outsourcing process. The research findings show that the most important obstacles to maximizing the benefits of the companies from the process are the lack of a planned structure for logistics outsourcing and the traditional management understanding of the company managers. This situation makes the logistics outsourcing process of the companies in the sector not an effective competitive strategy but rather an alternative to deal with cyclical fluctuations. For all these reasons, the expectations of the companies for the process are not fully met and the benefits from the process are realized at more limited levels.

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Jak cytować
Çelik, S., & Uçak, H. (2019). Logistics outsourcing in fresh vegetable and fruit sector. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 5(1-2), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.22630/AMME.2019.5.1-2.2

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