Economic knowledge and awareness and the competence of the young generation of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in the achievement of financial stability

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Jarosław Przybytniowski

Słowa kluczowe : economy knowledge, objective knowledge, economic awareness, subjective knowledge
It has been found that the financial education increases substantially the economic knowledge to build awareness and competence of the younger generation and therefore the dissemination of this knowledge. The aim of this paper is to identify the importance of the knowledge economy in the growth of the build awareness and competence of the students in the management of finances in the current, constantly changing environment. Design development was subject to the hypothesis in accordance with that – there is a relationship of the knowledge economy and the increase of awareness and competence of the younger generation in achieving financial stability and their independence. This problem will be implemented using the analysis of the state of the knowledge economy university students of the Świętokrzyskie on individual economic areas. Method applied research area is anonymous questionnaire survey addressed directly using a survey to students study desktop and portable exams I and II degree.

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Jak cytować
Przybytniowski, J. (2018). Economic knowledge and awareness and the competence of the young generation of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship in the achievement of financial stability. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 4(1), 89–99.

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