Talent management programmes in the retail industry designed for university graduates

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Aneta Szara

Słowa kluczowe : development programmes, social competencies, manager competencies, trainings, mentoring, coaching
The article systematises issues concerning managerial skills development programmes dedicated to university graduates. Conclusions and recommendations have been collected to define key competencies and roles of people supporting participants as well as to establish a training scheme which allows graduates to move into their first managerial position. Recommendations are based on commentary from a case study done on a trade company analysed to define a development and conditioning programme for potential future managers. An important result was that such programmes reach out to young people preparing to hold a specialist or managerial position while also helping the organisation to provide good quality staff which realises the goals of the company. In other words, the analysis shows that the interests of both sides are consistent in career development. Moreover, the training programmes make it possible to realise the goals of the organisation.

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Jak cytować
Szara, A. (2016). Talent management programmes in the retail industry designed for university graduates. Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2(1), 121–133. https://doi.org/10.22630/AMME.2016.2.1.11

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